Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Brazilian Wax Sugarland


How I love mixing and especially since I love eating leavened dough is sweet and savory ... ..
As soon as I find me in the paper are marked to make them as soon as possible - is that I'll have a thousand to go ... .. but not defeated sooner or later all the tests ..


Ingredients 400 g flour 00, 10 g yeast 200 g flour
Manitoba, 80 g water 80 g butter
40 g sugar, 4 pinches of salt
50 g egg yolks 150 g of milk about
n also:
marmalade 1 egg, milk to taste, chopped almonds Preparation

n Dissolve the yeast in a little warm milk. Sift flour, add the dissolved yeast and started to knead combining more milk and water. N
Besides, beat the egg yolks with the sugar mixture and incorporate a half working. At the end of the work in the butter and salt. Worked long (10 minutes), then put the dough in a bowl, protect it with foil and place in the refrigerator overnight. Again the dough for 5 minutes, then roll out the dough into a rectangle. Spalmate sulla pasta la marmellata, poi arrotolatela e tagliatela a fettine alte 5 mm.
n Adagiate le girandoline sulla placca del forno foderata con carta da forno. Lasciate nuovamente lievitare fino al raddoppio del volume. Pennellate la superficie della pasta con uovo e latte sbattuti e distribuitevi la granella di mandorle. Ponete in forno una ciotola con acqua e preriscaldate a 180°.
n Infornate per 18/20 minuti.


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