Sunday, February 21, 2010

Request The Pleasure Of Your Company In Spanish

Alette di pollo al latte di Dani

initially had to be fin ... yes yes ... my friend Dani tried to get me to remove the skin, but I am after two refused and cooked just as I made them the stavano.Solo Dani told me that she buys them already skinned ... grrrrrrrrr.
So I decided, I buy over the thighs that are already good and ready, so that will never change, always chicken. And so I did ... the cry of my husband was "better, much better!". he is not that spells ... he eats only ... but are more prone Cicciotti and prefers them to the channels. Dani Thanks for introducing me to this recipe.


blades or pieces of skinless chicken
nut olive oil (I use my vegetable super good )
garlic white wine a glass

Fry wings in oil until they are dorate.Aggiungete nut and white wine.
Let it evaporate and then cover everything with milk. If the bites are so big, cover with a lid ... otherwise leave the milk and eat only at the end add parsley and garlic to flavor everything.
About 30 minutes and are cooked. I pass the sauce through a sieve to make it more creamy.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Printable Lohri Invitations

Torta di mele light

From Blog Morena, mint and chocolate, this cake low calorie, no butter no oil, the the cake is light and delicious. has the softness of a sponge cake.
I made a change in yeast, because I can not stand it and it is well risen.
Then I added the walnuts, which we really like the apple pies.
Next time, I put a little 'rum.

Ingredients 4 apples
3 eggs 250g flour 120g sugar 00
milk 100g grated lemon
salt 1 / 2 sachet of yeast

Beat eggs with sugar, for at least 15 minutes, as with the sponge.
Sift flour, baking powder and salt.
Cut 2 apples and a half in small pieces.
Add little by little, the flour to the egg ... trying to disassemble, mixing with a spatula from the bottom up, incorporating air. Add
fast, always mixing from the bottom up the apples and milk.

Place in a baking pan about 22 cm and cover with the remaining apple slices.
Among the other and put a slice of walnut kernels.

Bake at 180 degrees for about 40 minuti.Io ho dovuto coprire con carta e continuare la cottura altri 10 minuti.Dopo la prova stecchino togliere dal forno.Far raffreddare e spolverizzare di zucchero a velo.