Monday, September 27, 2010

Bigist Shark Ever Seen Or Cough

my apple!

Our Cagnona all muscles, but pestiferous so cuddly.
Look how obedient ....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hot Flashes And Headaches And Dizzinness

Behold, I am back with chops

The summer ends and I shot up like mushrooms.
arrives for me the period of rest, I begin to feel at home and I dedicate myself more to the kitchen and my blog.
Today I made these chops, usually do not buy them because I always remain hard and a little 'stringy ... instead cooked in milk are very good. I am a pig, but I'm sure that will be good also of calf will try soon.

I have gold with a little 'extra virgin olive oil and I added a bit' of vegetables, dried mine were because I am preparing to die. You may also make fresh. I put salt and pepper and then I covered it with milk.
I let it simmer for about an hour, then I served with parsley potatoes.