Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dune Buggy Plans Free


After so many sweets today .. .. I want to offer an appetizer or a main course ..
depends on how you present ..
I opted for a single pot .. but instead of in the leaves of lettuce - which I did not fresh - I preferred the sliced \u200b\u200bbread on sandwiches.
The recipe I took to be cooked and eaten because it is not the usual tuna sauce.
took me even though the onion is optional .. and I find that with the apple and carrot to a particular taste.
I preferred not to make little ones .. to find the pieces of crunchy apple with their teeth, because I used a beautiful green pippin.
I must say that the onion is a stronger taste, my kids did not like .. but they are not text ..
I rather enjoyed it.

350 grams of canned tuna in brine or olive oil, celery, carrot, onion - this is optional -, half an apple, 100 g of mayonnaise, a teaspoon of mustard, lemon, salt and pepper.

In a bowl, pour 350 grams of canned tuna in brine or oil. Dice a small stick of celery, a carrot and if you like, including an onion, finally, half an apple.
Combine all the vegetables and apple nell'insalatiera with the tuna and mix. Season with a little lemon juice, a pinch of salt and pepper, three tablespoons of mayonnaise and a teaspoon of mustard. Mix all the ingredients then serve on a lettuce leaf or stuffing a sandwich.


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