Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lidl Toujour Manufacturer

Easter cake of carrots and almonds to decorate

Buongiorno e buona domenica!
So che sono un po’ in anticipo per le ricette pasquali, ma la "DECORA" ha organizzato un’iniziativa molto carina per tutte le sue collaboratrici foodbloggers.
Questo progetto consiste nel raccogliere foto e ricette create da noi utilizzando i prodotti che abbiamo ricevuto , scegliere le migliori e allegarle al catalogo “Pasqua 2011” .

Ed ecco la mia proposta:

Ingredienti per la base:
• 120 g di carote
• 50 g di zucchero
• ½ bicchiere di latte
• 60 g di burro
• 2 uova
• 100 g di mandorle sgusciate
• 120 g di farina 00 “Il Molino Chiavazza”
• 1 bustina di vanillina
• 1 pizzico di sale
• 1 bustina di lievito

• Marmellata

Pulire le carote, lavarle, asciugarle, grattugiarle e metterle in una ciotola. Aggiungere lo zucchero e mescolare. Versare il latte, il burro fuso e raffreddato e le uova precedentemente sbattute.
Tritare le mandorle ed unirle al composto; aggiungere poi farina, vanillina, sale e lievito.
Mescolare bene.
Versare il tutto in una teglia precedentemente imburrata ed infarinata (ho utilizzato uno stampo PEDRINI quadrato 24x24 cm) e cuocere in forno preriscaldato at 150 degrees for 25-30 minutes.
When decorating, apply a thin layer of jam to stick the decorations.

For decorations I used: • Icing
dark orange "DECORA"
• Icing dark wisteria "DECORA"
• 1 pick Easter "DECORA" green
• • Pen • Marker
chocolate food food • red
Pavesini coffee

thank "DECORA" for this wonderful opportunity! Good day to you all! Vanessa

Friday, March 11, 2011

Can My Dog Get Frostbite

'and boyfriends Capri integral with zucchini, tomatoes and smoked

Hello! ... Today I leave the recipe for a tasty main course lunch prepared for today.

Ingredients for 4:
• 400 g 'and boyfriends Capri full making pulp of Gragnano
• extra virgin olive oil •

large onion, chopped • 4-5 zucchini
• 6 tomatoes

• salt • pepper •
• a piece of smoked
• parmesan •
pepper (optional)

In a frying pan, brown the chopped onion in oil. Combine the zucchini and cherry tomatoes sliced \u200b\u200binto small pieces. Season with salt and pepper and mix with the marjoram. Allow to cook.
Cook pasta in salted water.
Once ready pour into the pan, add the smoked cheese, diced and grated parmesan. Stir and serve.

really tasty and then PASTE GRAGNANO is great!!
nice day ... Vanessa

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dune Buggy Plans Free


After so many sweets today .. .. I want to offer an appetizer or a main course ..
depends on how you present ..
I opted for a single pot .. but instead of in the leaves of lettuce - which I did not fresh - I preferred the sliced \u200b\u200bbread on sandwiches.
The recipe I took to be cooked and eaten because it is not the usual tuna sauce.
took me even though the onion is optional .. and I find that with the apple and carrot to a particular taste.
I preferred not to make little ones .. to find the pieces of crunchy apple with their teeth, because I used a beautiful green pippin.
I must say that the onion is a stronger taste, my kids did not like .. but they are not text ..
I rather enjoyed it.

350 grams of canned tuna in brine or olive oil, celery, carrot, onion - this is optional -, half an apple, 100 g of mayonnaise, a teaspoon of mustard, lemon, salt and pepper.

In a bowl, pour 350 grams of canned tuna in brine or oil. Dice a small stick of celery, a carrot and if you like, including an onion, finally, half an apple.
Combine all the vegetables and apple nell'insalatiera with the tuna and mix. Season with a little lemon juice, a pinch of salt and pepper, three tablespoons of mayonnaise and a teaspoon of mustard. Mix all the ingredients then serve on a lettuce leaf or stuffing a sandwich.