In questo periodo sono un po' indaffarata e i post sono poco frequenti....sniff.....
remedy But now with a beautiful cake with artichokes !!!!!
Artichokes are not just my passion, that's why I try to turn them into something more appetizing ! In short, I like a little girl who does not like to eat vegetables ... I have to fool solaaaaaaaaa!
ingredients for the dough
3 00 g of flour
4 cucchiai d'olio
acqua tiepida (a occhio per un panetto morbido)
1 cucchiaino di sale
6 carciofi
200 g di ricotta
1/2 cipolla
4 cucchiai di parmigiano
Put in a bowl flour and add salt , the ' oil el' warm water , work the dough until it forms a soft dough and let rest.
Meanwhile the clean artichokes, route the hearts in oil with onion, season with salt. Add the ricotta and Parmesan , stir the mixture.
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin and form a disk and put it in an oiled dish, leaving overhang the pasta, add the filling and livellatelo , cover with a second smaller disk of dough and add the edges of the disks to form a string along the circumference. Riddle the surface with a fork and grease it with oil.
Bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes or until golden brown.
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