Quando ero piccolina con una pazienza infinita, prendevo la mia porzione, li sgusciavo e solo dopo averli puliti tutti, iniziavo a mangiarli con la polenta. Ero cosi soddisfatta di avere il mio mucchietto tutto bello pulito ... mi pulivo le mani, tiravo un bel sospiro e mangiavo il mio boccone prelibato, while the others were already at the fruit. Even now, if I have time to clean them husband and children, but some say that Schiavo is "ciucciada" .. not as clean as I do.
I always knew that with the fish, there goes the white polenta ... I will not be a Venetian doc ... but I have always loved the yellow.
You put water on the fire and when it boils, plunge the schie already washed, when the water resumes boiling take off. At this point you can season with garlic oil, parsley, salt and pepper and let themselves be well flavored.
But I, this time I go in the pan with the garlic, salt, pepper ... well browned and then served with soft polenta and warm.