Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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marmellata di arance 01

All in all, I did not eat much during the dinners-lunches-dinners-lunches Christmas and post! I will refer to the night New Year!
Definitely I purify a bit '... because the kitchen is heavy these days has left some traces on the balance ! NONONONO NO NO! So light and healthy food !!!!!
What better way to start the day than with a good and healthy breakfast?!

marmellata di arance03

  • 9 oranges
  • 3 lemons
  • sugar
  • water
Take 9 3 oranges and lemons (for every 500 grams of fruit is estimated 1 liter of water). Cut the unpeeled fruit into thin slices, remove seeds and place the slices in water to infuse for 24 hours. The next day, cook everything for 1 hour and let stand for another 24 hours. For every 500 grams, add 300g of sugar abundant, put on the fire and let it condense till take the characteristic density of the orange marmalade!

marmallata di arance 02

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Make Electric Oil Diffuser

GiCam ... Venetian Aroma

"Gee ... you'd know that play the Venetian is my pastry? What I and my family adore ..."
"That consistency has?"
"It's very soft ... so soft that you can not cut it well,"
"Tell me what it smells ..."
"Gee ... I can not describe it smells, tastes good ... the baker says that puts natural orange and vanilla, but the scent rising from it long."
"Ok ... plenty of butter and eggs, cocoa butter and milk powder ... dobbiamo solo trovare la dose giusta di buccia d'arancia..."
" Giiiiii ...il mio pasticcere mi ha svelato un segreto, nella veneziana, mette una cremina all'arancia ...che ha un profumo indescrivibile e mi ha regalato un pezzetto di lievito madre!!"

Da questa mia richiesta a Gi  ... è nata una veneziana stupenda, morbidissima che ha un profumo di buono.
Troverete la ricetta originale nel blog di Gi.

La copertura originale del pasticcere, sarebbe albume e zucchero, pennellati before lievitazione.Ma is also delicious with butter, sugar and granulated sugar, put before baking.
One can also put a glaze of egg whites and almonds, as the dove .... or before the rising, brush with sugar syrup and sprinkled with sugar. The
pm ... if you do not use it often, it should be refreshed every three hours, three times before being used ....
the last one I do: I am 100 - 200 Manitoba - 80 water.
The ingredients should all be at room temperature for at least several hours, preferably the day before.
My lineup for march started around 23 to continue with the second batter, the next morning around 08 ... see if you change the times.

The mold is down 22 per cake .... or take one pound of cake mold, cutting a couple of inches.

Ingredients first mixture 23 hours

120g sourdough dissolved in 50g of water (preferably mineral)
250g flour 50g egg manitoba
58g whole egg 100g
butter 80g caster sugar dissolved in 25g water 30g water

the sourdough dissolved, add alternating a tablespoon of flour and syrup, always waiting for the previous ingredient is absorbed completely, before starting another. ... Out of the syrup continue with flour and slightly beaten eggs, always slowly. String and then add the soft butter in 4 volte.Impastare with the mixer and hook, until all the dough comes off the walls, then add the 30g of water. String well, until all the dough is not sticky and not so much the dirty bowl. Pulling a corner, will become clear, without breaking. Bring to the table and throw him handle it without doing a little 'folds.
Let rise in a large bowl, up to more than doubling in il forno spento con un pentolino di acqua calda.
Per domani..
Mescolare lo zucchero del secondo impasto con i semini della vaniglia e l'arancia grattugiata ( se non usate la cremina).

La mattina dopo alle ore 08 circa

Ingredienti secondo impasto

tutto il primo impasto lievitato
100g di farina manitoba
33g di tuorlo d'uovo
60g di zucchero
1 bacca di vaniglia
4g di sale
60g soft butter 10g cocoa butter or two squares of white chocolate
condensed milk 1 teaspoon of honey
15g grated rind of half orange ( better creamy sauce)
25g whole milk

back to stringing the first mixture, add half the flour alternately to the egg yolks with sugar flavored lightly mounted. Then
flour alternately with honey mixed with condensed milk and butter into the stringing cacao.Sempre add the butter, with the last slice of butter, salt, and finally the milk.
string well as the first batter.
Form a ball and put it up (to rest on the table) covered 30 '. Reforming the ball and allow to rise in a mold from 7 to 22cm in height. Put in oven to rise until the dome, did not reach the board.
The dough is about 1 kilo.

Once risen, cut a cross-cutting, brush with melted butter, and sprinkle with granulated sugar.
Put in oven at 200 degrees for about 5 minutes, then lower to 180 ... and if you feel down after ten minutes even at 160 degrees for about 30 minutes.
not easy to establish temperature and adjusted according to your tempi.Dovrete forno.Perciò times are approximate. After the set time, open the oven and do the toothpick test.
The cake once cooked should be overturned as panettone, for at least 6 hours. Infill the knife when the cake is still inside the oven, but despite all the precautions deflates ... do not worry ... it means to be soft.
Good job.

this is covered with syrup and sprinkled with sugar

These are miniature, in tulip cups

I am trying to replace milk with condensed milk powder, but have not yet found the dose becomes so soft giusta.Con 7g .. which does not take the form after it is baked.

Thanks !!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Does Vicodin Raise Your Blood Pressure?

MENO2 MENO1 ... ... CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!


it! By now the ' Christmas atmosphere we breathe at home ..... in fact, already there at 9:30 in the morning to cook roast tomorrow night!
But I prefer to wake up gently with the soft-soft Panettoncino !
If you do not know what to give to a friend why do not you have time, you can prepare Panettoncino Molino Rossetto , except that they are good, but they are beautiful da vedereeeeeee !!! Io infatti ne ho già distribuiti un po'!!! C'è anche la carta tipica del panettone...adorabili!

Il mio Natale lo passerò con tutta la famiglia (e il piccolino appena arrivato!) quindi uno in più quest'anno! (....ehi,ehi...parlo di mio nipote, non fatevi strane idee!) Purtroppo non potrò coccolarlo perchè è ancora sotto vetro, ma super forte!

Ultimo Post before 25 ... so ...
Au \u200b\u200b guri a tut you !!!!!
Good .... indeed .... Ot a thyme Born the all !
panettoncini 02

  • 1 package prepared for Panettoncino Molino Rossetto
  • 3 eggs 80 g of water
  • 100 g of butter
Dissolve the yeast in ' warm water, pour the bag Panettoncino prepared and mixed. Pour the lightly beaten eggs and butter into small pieces.
Work the mixture until it is smooth. Do rise for 2 hours in a warm place covered with a damp cloth. Add the chocolate chips and fill the cups previously placed on a baking sheet. Cover with damp cloth and let rise for about an hour. Bake at 210 ° for 15 minutes.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Best Minimizer Bra In The Uk

a special natural orange and citron

asking about my favorite pastry chef, where I buy a loaf sourdough ... that is fantastic, we learned that as flavorings, use a cream with orange peel, sugar and alcohol. When the lab opened jar, was released one indescribable scent, I was enchanted. Of course I said the doses of the ingredients ... but when we got home I did some tests. Other
SPUMADOR or preparations that industrial perfumes sintetici.Per panettone, you can do a mix of fruit ... like orange and lime.
Sometimes I open the jar, smell and do a shuffle ... a bump that may be just fine.
When we're going to put on the cake One teaspoon (per pound of dough), alcohol will evaporate and give off a very good throughout the sweet scent of orange or other fruit.

organic citrus peel - 65g (there were three oranges)
caster sugar - 120g
alcohol at 95 ° - 20g
Half a vanilla bean cut in half (optional)

Take only the peel without white skin, I did with the tomato skins, for these things is perfect.
Mix sugar and peel and finely chop the sugar in contact with the skin will melt and already by this time we will have a creamy sauce.
Allow the cream covered, about an hour ... after which, it must be diluted with alcohol. If you seem too dense, add your own ... nothing will happen.

Put everything in a jar, top up with some 'alcohol and close tightly. Now that I use often, keep on the shelf in the kitchen.
Council not make a lot to spare, I have not had time to experiment with what they can last is fast enough to do that is worthwhile.



Monday, December 20, 2010

Hotel Favors Wedding Rhyme

cupcakes FABULOUS!


Have you ever participated in the courses Silovoglio ? It 's like to be part of a fairytale!
months were I was looking for a good course on decoration of cupcakes magic and it rained from the sky thanks Trendandthecity.it gave me this opportunity!
know Lorena Gil-Vazquez ?? It 's amazing! It 's an outstanding artist and an infinite sweetness, and could not do cakes and cupcakes! Veritable sculptures to eat!
He taught us the basic recipe, sugar paste, chocolate ganache and the many tricks on how to decorate a cupcake true!
tools of all shapes, stencils to make beautiful hearts, flowers, teddy bears and buttons! Truly a dream!


  • 115 g butter 115 g
  • sugar end
  • 115 g self raising flour 2 eggs
Whisk in a bowl eggs with the sugar (this will form the hump over the muffins!) While if blend the butter with the sugar the surface remains flat and therefore easier to decorate!
Then add the flour and fill the cups 2 / 3 full, bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes

  • 7 g of gelatin
  • 5 tablespoons of water (or food coloring)
  • 750 g of icing sugar sifted
  • 1 tablespoon of glycerin
  • 1 tablespoon lard
  • 1 tablespoon sugar (or honey)
melt the gelatin in ' water or dye in a water bath, add the glycerine , the lard and glucose . Turn off the heat and pour everything into a bowl with the icing sugar and stir from the outside, if it is soft add 2 tablespoons of sugar.
Si può colorare successivamente con il colorante in polvere .

La pasta di zucchero va lavorata e scaldata con le mani e poi si possono fare tutte le forme che si vogliono, io non l'avevo mai utilizzata ed è stato divertentissimo!!! Ovviamente Lorena ci ha permesso di usare degli stampini fantastici che io non troverò mai, però mi ingegnerò nel creare forme diverse!!!!
Queste sono le creazioni del corso , each has its own decorations, we took them home (I've photographed them now!) and then I have devoured them !!!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

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This recipe is very simple, but really good!
In few minutes you will have a saucer licking baffiiiiiii the !
The wheel is not one of my favorite types of pasta, but I have to admit that it is spectacular!!
A fast-fast lunch in the snow is falling in Milan and freeeeddddooooooo!!


  • 400 g of wheels
  • 70 g of bacon
  • 2 zucchini diced
  • 2 sachets of saffron
  • onion for the sauce

Pass le zucchine in padella con la cipolla tagliata sottile. A parte fate diventare croccante la pancetta in una padella antiaderente e poi unitela alle zucchine.
Fate cuocere le ruote in acqua salata. In 2 cucchiai di acqua di cottura (usate un bicchiere) sciogliete lo zafferano .
Scolate la pasta, aggiungete l'acqua con lo zafferano e le zucchine con la pancetta croccante.
Se volete potete spolverare un po' di parmigiano!

Monday, December 13, 2010

How Do I Get Into San Diego Adult Film Industry



E' arrivato come un regalo di Natale!!! Il nuovo Minipimer della Braun cordless.
Mi hanno chiesto se mi andava di provarlo...."Mi va eccome!!!!!!!" ho risposto!!!
Quindi ricettina frullata ovviamente! Ero un po' scettica sul sapore...ma è davvero ottima!

25 g of butter
1 white onion, chopped
1 / 2 carrot
750 g sweet potatoes peeled and diced
2 pears
750 ml of broth (with meat or vegetables)
250 ml of cream
salt and pepper

fate ammorbidire la cipolla nel burro poi aggiungete le patate , le pere tagliate a pezzettini senza buccia e la carota a rondelle. Fate insaporire poi versate il brodo e fate cuocere per 20 minuti, finché le verdure saranno morbide.
Fate intiepidire e frullate il composto, versateci la panna e rimettete sul fuoco per riscaldare la zuppa. Aggiustate di sale e pepe .


Monday, December 6, 2010

What Does Excessive Frothy Urine Look Like?

an apple, a plum ... A CAKE!

tortine di mele 01

MMMMM ..... wishing for something sweet!
It is the third post that I dedicate to dessert .... or snack or breakfast .... in short, a little 'sweetness is needed, especially under this snow!
The cakes in question, I found them on Italian Cuisine last year and are really good!
rummaging through old family things ... I found all 12 months of Italian Cuisine of 1953 short, the second year of publication ... I was excited (a little 'I have also eaten my hands because I would have preferred the first year!) And photos and publicity ..... hahahahahahha ...... use them as the setting for some pictures! What tempiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!

  • 350 g apples (an apple big)
  • 300 g of flour
  • 250 g pitted prunes
  • 180 g of butter
  • 120 g icing sugar 1 egg
  • white wine
  • sugar
  • salt
mix the flour with soft butter and mix quickly with the 'egg , the icing sugar and a pinch of salt . Form the dough into a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and let rest for 30 'in the fridge.

Peel the apple , cut into 1 cm cubes and add it in a pan with the plum pieces, half a glass of wine and 2 tablespoons granulated sugar . Cook with the cover for 15 'until the wine will become a syrup.

Roll out the pastry of 4 mm thick and coated for 10 tartellettes molds (I used those for tarts ... the more bottom and filling you can enter!) Spread the filling inside each mold and then close them with the pastry advanced passing over a rolling pin to seal the dough and pressing with tines of fork to decorate. Prick the surface and bake at 170 degrees for 30 minutes.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Adrenal Gland Psoriasis

G2Kitchen! N ° 2

E 'arrrivato the number of Christmas G2K !!!!!!! A special issue, dedicated entirely to miss Christmas!
With inside the book on how to become perfect photojournalist Christmas !!!!!!


Antipasti, primi, secondi e dolci....Ma anche molto, molto di più!!!!

g2k natale